Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The First Amendment Controversy.

Picture of the first amendment available at on May 16, 2012

What do you think about the first amendment controversy going on? In this blog i’m going talk about the two sides and how each of them feel.

The first amendment controversy is basically about whether same sex can get married or not. If you are for the first amendment you believe they shouldn’t be able to get married. If you are against it, you believe they have every right to be married.

For the people who are for the first amendment; you have the right to believe what you want to believe. God created Adam and Eve, one male and one female. It is clear many people don’t want same sex marriage to occur. About 61% of the people are for amendment one.

If you are against amendment one; you also have to right to believe what you want to believe. About 38% of the people believe it is wrong to pass this amendment. People has the right to be happy; so why take that away from them? 

What if you don't know what side you are on? Then you are neutral. You believe it doesn't matter what the people want to do with there life. Both sides want the same thing: to be right. They both want to win just so they can say they are right.
As of today the amendment one was passed. Now no one of the same sex can get married. I believe it is wrong to pass the amendment. People has the right to be happy, and no one has the right to take that from them.

What do you do if you are against the first amendment? Honestly I can not give you very much advice on that. All I could find was that all you can do if you really want to make a change is go to the white house and protest. Many people has already done that. You can also write letters and emails to the president and see what happens.

Sorry this blog wasn’t much of advice and i’m sure everyone has different opinions on this topic. So please just comment and let me know what you think and also give me more topics to talk about please! Thanks bloggers!!


  1. I really like your post. Great Job Kaley!! :)

  2. Spectacular blog! I'm with one-hundred percent on this. I don't think people should take other's rights away. Wonderful job, keep it up!

  3. Great job Kaley! You done a great job at giving both opinions with putting one or the other down. Couple of things in your third paragraph you have "sex same marriages" you might try changing that to "same sex marriages" that way it will make scene. I agree with you that people should have the right to be happy and who are we to judge and put down people for looking for happiness. I don't believe that it is any of our business to tell people who they can and cannot marry that is their live their choice not ours. I know that I wouldn't want someone telling me that I cannot marry or be with the one that I am happy with. Great job Kaley keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you susan! and Thanks i didnt mean to but sex same marriage! haha ill go change that! Thanks again! im with you 100% its wrong to tell people who they can and cant marry

  4. Make sure to check your grammar because in one part I noticed "People has the right to be happy, and no one has the right to take that from them." Should be have, and I like the way you put your opinion in without shoving it down anyone's throat. Good job :)

  5. Good post. I only recommend that you separate the paragraphs a little more, a lot of people prefer reading short writing than long.

  6. Good post though make sure your grammar is correct and you word things correctly. I am surprised that you done such a touchy topic but you handled it very well and made sure that you had both point of views on it however, Amendment 1 wasn't only about the same sex marriages so you might want to do some more research but overall good job.

  7. This is a great post Kaley!! You are right, you can't tell people who they can and can't marry. It's their decision, and they are who they are. You can't change their mind.
