Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure picture available at 
on May 23, 2012

Have you ever been peer pressured to do something you didn't want to do? This blog I have decided to talk about, how not to give into peer pressure.

There will come a time in everyone’s life when your friends are going to want you to do something you have never done before.

You don’t want to look like a chicken in front of your friends so you think it will be okay to do it just this once. WRONG! That ‘one time’ can change you forever.

You never want to do something you would be to embarrassed to tell your parents. How would you like to tell your parents “I smoked weed today” or “I got drunk and had sex.”

“Making decisions on your own is hard enough, but when other people get involved and try to pressure you one way or another it can be even harder” says kids health.

The quote is very true, growing up is already hard enough, so why should we have to have other people telling us we should try stuff that could harm our body?

One thing you always need to keep in mind; is the word NO! That one word can help you stay alive and healthy.

What do you do if your friends keep bugging you about trying a cigarette/alcohol/sex/drugs? Just say no and find new friends who won’t pressure you to do stuff you don’t want to do.

What do you do if you’re a party with drugs and all stuff that’s not safe? CALL YOUR PARENTS! I’m 100% sure they would rather come pick you up, then you getting in a car and could end up in the hospital.

Thanks for reading and please let me know any other topic. If you have one let me know personally or comment on any blog. Thanks!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The First Amendment Controversy.

Picture of the first amendment available at on May 16, 2012

What do you think about the first amendment controversy going on? In this blog i’m going talk about the two sides and how each of them feel.

The first amendment controversy is basically about whether same sex can get married or not. If you are for the first amendment you believe they shouldn’t be able to get married. If you are against it, you believe they have every right to be married.

For the people who are for the first amendment; you have the right to believe what you want to believe. God created Adam and Eve, one male and one female. It is clear many people don’t want same sex marriage to occur. About 61% of the people are for amendment one.

If you are against amendment one; you also have to right to believe what you want to believe. About 38% of the people believe it is wrong to pass this amendment. People has the right to be happy; so why take that away from them? 

What if you don't know what side you are on? Then you are neutral. You believe it doesn't matter what the people want to do with there life. Both sides want the same thing: to be right. They both want to win just so they can say they are right.
As of today the amendment one was passed. Now no one of the same sex can get married. I believe it is wrong to pass the amendment. People has the right to be happy, and no one has the right to take that from them.

What do you do if you are against the first amendment? Honestly I can not give you very much advice on that. All I could find was that all you can do if you really want to make a change is go to the white house and protest. Many people has already done that. You can also write letters and emails to the president and see what happens.

Sorry this blog wasn’t much of advice and i’m sure everyone has different opinions on this topic. So please just comment and let me know what you think and also give me more topics to talk about please! Thanks bloggers!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fighting with Parents

Video about fighting with parents. Available at on May 10th 2012

Have you and your parents been getting along here lately? Or has there ever been a time you just couldn't stand they anymore? In this blog i’m going to help you know how to deal with your anger towards your parents. I also interviewed Emily Meeks to help you know how its like by another person's point of view.

Fighting with your parents is never okay, I know sometimes it’s hard not to argue with them but you need to learn to stand your grounds. Here is my interview:

Q:Have you ever fought with your parents?

Q:How often do you and your parents get into arguments?
A:”A lot”

Q:What’s the worst time you can remember you and them get into a fight?
A:”When they wouldn’t let me switch schools”

Q:Who do you fight more with: Mom or Dad?

Q:Why do you fight with your parents?
A:”They make me mad”

Q:Do you regret fight with them?

Q:If you could stop fight with them, would you?

Q:Has the fights ever got so bad you actually hit them?

Q:If you could say something to them right now about the fights, what would you say?
A:”I’m sorry for arguing with you.”

Q:Are you going to keep fighting with them? Why or why not?
A:”Probably because they make me mad.”

As you can see it’s not good to fight with your parents! If you are arguing with them, stop. You never want your last words to your parents to be “I hate you.” You never know when you could lose them.

They are the ones who gave birth to you, so why fight with them? Think about that next time before a fight occurs.

Friday, May 4, 2012


Cheating Picture Available at on May 04, 2012

What to do when you find out someone is cheating on you? Read this blog and you will find out! :)

First off it is VERY wrong to cheat on someone. If you don’t want to be with the person you are with just break up with them for the person you plan on cheating on them with. Why would you want to hurt someone you like just to have a little fun? There is no point in it!

Some of you who are reading this may even decide to cheat on someone you are with sometime in life. Just know it’s not worth it. Trust me, I hate to say it, but I have even cheated on someone before and I regret it. Also I was cheated on; it doesn’t feel good at all when you find out the truth.

What would I consider cheating? Anything romantically, physically, and emotionally, you should be only doing with your partner.

If you ever find out someone is cheating on you, confront them. Don’t let anyone run you over! You do not deserve to be cheated on, no one does.
-First get proof
-Talk to your partner
-Catch them in the act
- Put a stop to it

Do you know the saying; once a cheater, always a cheater? That may be true but also it could be incorrect. If you are wanting to be with someone who has a history of cheating on someone, don’t freak out just keep a good eye on them.

What do you do if you know someone is cheating on the person they are with? Tell them! If they find out you knew and didn’t tell them they will get very upset/anger at you. Yeah, the person you told on will probably get upset you told them, but try to tell them not to let the cheater know it was you who told.

If you would like me to talk about a topic I have not already talked about or go into more details about a topic, please just comment on any blog to let me know. Thanks bloggers! :)