Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fighting with Parents

Video about fighting with parents. Available at on May 10th 2012

Have you and your parents been getting along here lately? Or has there ever been a time you just couldn't stand they anymore? In this blog i’m going to help you know how to deal with your anger towards your parents. I also interviewed Emily Meeks to help you know how its like by another person's point of view.

Fighting with your parents is never okay, I know sometimes it’s hard not to argue with them but you need to learn to stand your grounds. Here is my interview:

Q:Have you ever fought with your parents?

Q:How often do you and your parents get into arguments?
A:”A lot”

Q:What’s the worst time you can remember you and them get into a fight?
A:”When they wouldn’t let me switch schools”

Q:Who do you fight more with: Mom or Dad?

Q:Why do you fight with your parents?
A:”They make me mad”

Q:Do you regret fight with them?

Q:If you could stop fight with them, would you?

Q:Has the fights ever got so bad you actually hit them?

Q:If you could say something to them right now about the fights, what would you say?
A:”I’m sorry for arguing with you.”

Q:Are you going to keep fighting with them? Why or why not?
A:”Probably because they make me mad.”

As you can see it’s not good to fight with your parents! If you are arguing with them, stop. You never want your last words to your parents to be “I hate you.” You never know when you could lose them.

They are the ones who gave birth to you, so why fight with them? Think about that next time before a fight occurs.


  1. I liked your blog, because I always argue with my parents. Lol. Although you have a few grammar issues. Other than that, GREAT POST!(:

  2. Great job. This blog has helped me by having me look at the things that me and my parents fight about. Not only my parents but my younger sibling as well. This is a great way to help others by having them look at it on both points of view. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks susan :) I really hope this blog helps people respect there parents more.

  3. This is a great blog Kaley! I hope it will help people too including myself with fighting with our parents. Great job!! Great topic also.

    1. Thanks Amber :) Im glad you really like it :P

  4. I argue with my mom everyday. For what reason? She never takes the time to understand where I'm coming from. She thinks her opinion is right all the time. You're right, never say you hate your parents. It is a powerful word that you may regret saying later. A good tip that you could use in the future would be to ask questions that can start more of a conversation so your point will be better supported. Nice job!

    1. Thank you. Ill use that advice next time! :)

  5. Good job, other than a few grammar problems. I argue with my Mom on occasion, and these tips will help. I have never said I hate you, and you're absolutely right no one wants that to be their last words to anyone.

    1. Thank you! I know it's very powerful words when you don't truly mean it!
