Monday, April 23, 2012

Are you being Bullied?

Stop Bullying avaible at on April 23, 2012

Bullying is a huge topic in the world right now. Many young kids and teenagers are being bullied by other classmates and peers. 

People would define bullying as many different things but according to Bully they state :

"Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior that is intentional, hurtful, (physical and psychological), and/or threatening and persistent (repeated). There is an imbalance of strength (power and dominance). " 

There is a law out stating that if a teacher sees a student getting bullied they must report it. Anyone who is caught bullying and hurting someone will be put in jail/juvenile. Here are two stories about teenagers being bullied.   

On April 18 2012, a ten year old boy from Ohio brought a toy bb gun to school to scare off his bullies. He has been bullied for a few years because, he has to wear braces on his ankles and because of how small he is. About a year ago a few kids older then him put him in the trash can. By the end of the school day the young boy had shown the gun to six other classmates and even threatened to shoot it.

Over the weekend, a fourteen year old Kenneth committed suicide because he was bullied about being gay. About a month before he was very popular and had a lot of friends.  But when he posted on facebook that he was gay everyone started turning on him and bullied him. They even made an anti-gay website and added all of his friends. A week before he took his life, he started getting threatening phone calls but when his mother tried to ask what was wrong he would cover his pain with a smile and tell her everything was okay.

So here is some tips for being bullied:


  1. This post is very interesting. We never know what victims of bullying are going through. The youth is so immature and doesn't think about long term effects of their actions.

    1. That is excellently right! People need to learn to grow up and just stop because it could really effect someone even when they act like it doesn't.

  2. You did a great job on showing how bullying is awful! People need to stop worrying about other people and grow up!

  3. It's sad to know that people are still being bullied. I agree 100% with bullying policies! Make sure to proof read before publishing!

    1. Ill be sure to next time! thanks

  4. I really like what your blog is about. Teenagers love to hear what other teenagers have to say. I love that you chose bully as your topic for this particular post. Bully is horrible and I think did a good job explaining that. My suggestion is when you quote something link the quote. DO NOT put it beside the quote.
