Friday, April 27, 2012

How to Have Fun at Prom

Prom picture available at on April 27,2012
Hey Bloggers! Today i’m going to write about what’s on everyone’s mind right about now: Prom! Here is what’s everyone is looking for right about now:
-The perfect dress/tux
-The best shoes to wear
-The most gorgeous hairstyle
-And of course, the right person to be by their side the whole time

Everyone knows your prom night is supposed to be special and magical. Some people wait to go just their senior year, and some try to go every year in high school just to have fun with friends. Even according to Prom

"Ten, twenty, or maybe even thirty years from now you'll want to sit back and reminisce about the "good old days."  One memory you'll probably want to relive is that of your prom.  There are many ways to help you immortalize one of the most special nights of your life. " 

But when you go to prom you want to be comfortable and have fun! So here is so tips:
-Don’t wear a super tight dress or tux because then you won’t be able to dance and have fun with your friends. You don’t want to be just sitting there all awkward.
-If you can’t barely walk in your shoes; don’t wear them. Just wear something that's cute and easy to walk/dance in.
-Don’t care about what everyone thinks about you. It’s your prom, so who cares if you can’t dance? Neither can half the people on the dance floor so don’t let that ruin your night. So get up and have some fun!
-You do not have to have a date to prom. A lot of people go with a group of friends and still have an amazing night! So if you don’t have a date; don’t let that stop you from going! Just get some of your friends to go with you and have an awesome night!

When you go to prom your parents are trusting you not to go do something stupid. If you will be too embarrassed to tell your parents what you did; you shouldn’t do it.

A lot of people who go to prom like to go to an after party. I’m in highschool and I know a lot of the stuff that does happen at the after party or just the night of prom. Just know that if you feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to do just tell them no or walk away. You don’t want to end up regretting anything about your special night.


  1. This is a really good post, because Honestly I have all this on my mind. I'm glad you made a post about prom because I have been stressing about prom so much lately. Thank you :D for that advice.

    1. Your very welcome! I know prom is this weekend that is why i made this blog!

  2. Some people should use the advice about not giving in to pressure. I know a lot of friends who did things they did not want to because they were under pressure. Make sure to double check your grammar prior to posting! Nice job!

    1. Thanks! :) ill be sure to double check next time.

  3. I agree with Rikkilicious that people shouldn't give in to pressure. Regrets should not be a part of prom.

    Check out some of your formatting in the space issues. I enjoyed your post.

    1. Thanks ms.paysuer!! :) :) :)
