Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Welcome Blog

A life quote
Hello Bloggers,
I'm K.Denise(: I'm going to start making new blogs about teen advice. The reason i’m going to make this blog is to help the teenagers get through their teenage years as easy and possible.

In the future you will find all kind of advice about love, bullying, relationships, girl or guy problems, everyday life, friends and family and many more. I’m going to give advice about stuff i see around school or out in the public because i’m sure other people will go through the same things. 

I picked this topic because I want to help out anyone I can to make this world a better and safer place to live. I am a teenager myself so I know how it feels to go through some of the stuff every teenager goes through.

I really hope you guys and girls will enjoy my blogs and take some of the stuff to heart. I am kinda new to this so it will take me a little while to get use to the whole blogging experience. 

I just got done with the book 13 reasons why by Jay Asher, and i don’t want anyone killing him or herself because of others stupidity. No matter how bad life can get you should never want to hurt yourself or others.
If you can ever think of a good topic for me to talk about one day please just comment one or message me a topic. You may feel you are the only one but trust me you're not. 

I promise you guys I will do my very best to give the most helpful advice I can give all the time.

Another reason I started this blog was for my English class, and I hope even when the year is up i’ll still continue you blog. Together we can make this world a safer place for the future adults. 

So everyone who would like some advice or to even give other people advice please follow Helpful Teens.

Even if you don’t think you will need the advice right now but maybe later on it will come in handy. You could help yourself or another person live.


  1. Kaley,
    I think that this is a great idea for teenagers to get advice from a fellow teenager herself. I know who to come to for advice now!! lol

    `Yuna B.`

    1. Thanks, I will always be here if you need me.

  2. This blog could be a lot of help to teenagers who don't want to talk about their problems out loud. But, maybe they could read some of your blog posts and solve their issues. I also read 13 Reasons Why and absolutely loved it!

    1. It really was a great book! I hope this blog does help someone!

  3. I'm excited to see what topics you bring up for discussion. I hope you create a lot of conversation between people. Some of your sentences, however, need some revising and capitalizing of "I." Please italicize novel titles. =)

    1. Sorry, ill make sure I double check everything next time! haha :)

  4. You can help a lot of teens by this blog. Kind of like the website we started!! =P

    1. Yeah I know, that's kind of why i thought of this topic :D

  5. I am excited to read what kind of topics you come with. This will help me out and also help me when others come to me for help. Can't wait to see what you come up with girl.

    1. Thanks and ill do my best to give the best topic that relate to others and stuff that's going on in everyday life.

  6. I love the topic that you picked to blog on, but you have a couple of grammar errors. I can't wait to read the next one.

    1. Ill be sure to make sure to fix my errors, thanks Keylee (:

  7. Amazing... I will defiantly be reading your blog and checking up on your discussions. Your post have already caught my eye, especially the suicide charts. Thank you for creating such a blog. Good luck and continue.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you and your welcome! (: I hope you enjoy!! (:
